Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Oh Where, Oh Where, Has Our Little Dog Gone,......

.......Oh Where, Oh Where, Could He Be!!!! We are so sad! It seems that sometime over the weekend, either our dog Sam ran away or someone took him. When I went to feed the dogs this morning I could not find Sam and he is usually the one laying around waiting on his food. I know this sounds horrible but I do not remember exactly when I saw him last. On Sunday, I was in bed all day with a migraine, so Courtney put the food out for the dogs that morning and since I did not get out of the house, I did not miss Sam. I remember seeing Penelope Saturday night when some friends left after scrapbooking but I do not remember seeing Sam. The last time that I can clearly remember seeing Sam is when they showed the house on Friday. I always put the dogs in their kennel when the house is being shown. And for the record, Yes, I have checked the laundry room. However, we are all so sad. He hardly ever strays away from the house and if he does, he only goes to our neighbors house and back. We miss him and hope to find him soon. By the way, I just took these pictures of Courtney and Sam only a week ago. She loves this dog and do all of us.


Terri said...

I am so sorry to hear that. I hope that you all find him very soon.

Emma's Mommy said...

I am so sorry that Sam is gone. I hope he shows up soon.

mommy of girls said...

How sad...I hope you find sweet Sam soon. Keep us updated.

Anonymous said...

Hey Carla,
I like your blog. The pictures are great. I hate to hear about you dog. Have you find him? When are you guys moving back to Florida. We need to get together to scrapbook some. You can email me at eavesd@windstream.net.


Melissa said...

I'm sorry about your dog but there is hope. Our dog, Max was gone for 7 weeks and came back. We think someone had him because he was clean. Don't give up hope!