This week is homecoming week at the kids school and today is Ratchet Wednesday. Let me just start by explaining what Ratchet Wednesday is because I had to ask for a definition of it myself. Ratchet Wednesday is when you wear something that you normal would not be caught dead it, hence the pictures below of Jonah and Courtney.
I will say that I laughed so hard when she pulled these pants out of the bag.
It's hard to see Jonah's hat but it's one of those little straw tourist hat that you would buy in Mexico and his tie has Jesus on it.
If you wondering where you may pick up such attire, I hate to say it, but the kids hit up the local GW with their friends and you know that supply is limited. So, I'm sorry and Courtney's pants even though she bought them new with tags are still probably still no where to be found unles you go back in time to the 70's.
Hope everyone had a good laugh and has a wonderful Wednesday.
It's rainy here but not cold so I can't complain too much, I'll take the rain over the cold any day.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others...
1 Peter 4:10
Blessings to all ~